About Heather

A few more tidbits about me:

  • Chicago transplant by way of Portland, OR. I love getting to work with folks from both places.

  • I believe in therapy, not just because I’ve watched it work for others, but because I’ve felt it firsthand. I believe wholeheartedly that my lived experience with addressing my own stuff has made me better equipped to help you. It’s in no small part because of my growth through these experiences that I value and respect my clients’ processes so much.

  • When I’m not doing therapy, I can be found overwatering my houseplants, exploring the city, and spoiling my beloved senior dog, Amelia, who likely won’t make an appearance in your session, but does want good things for you regardless.

  • The photo to the right was taken in Sedona, AZ; I can’t speak much to the healing power of energy vortices, but skydiving the Grand Canyon was pretty spectacular!

I’m a dedicated, open-hearted therapist and human work in progress.